'Do you guys want me to see my vlog from London next? :D **PROMISE next makeup look will be a full face look *Simple Foundation Routine +GIVEAWAY! https://youtu.be/RsAL1XzZ_Kw *GRUNGE GLAM: https://youtu.be/6CG_M2j1Rno *BROWN SPARKLE SMOKEY EYE: https://youtu.be/wg9ZwMM8rgI *BOHO CHIC Makeup & Hair Tutorial https://youtu.be/ah8bbD3ptRM *HOW TO French Braid Your Own Hair! https://youtu.be/uDdLr2aK8rs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hellooooo :D I am about to fall asleepy so I will update this tomorrow am XOOXO Seen on Me: Necklace: http://bit.ly/1WzMjqC Romper: http://bit.ly/1V6EJmb Crop Top: Alice Mccall Last year Products Used in Order: Swamp Queen Palette: Congrats Bunny!!! It\'s amazing :) xox Morphe Small Brush: 10% off code: Carli http://bit.ly/1U0xf1I Sigma Black Gel Liner Wicked 10% Off: Carli10 http://sigma-beauty.7eer.net/c/57018/153230/2835?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sigmabeauty.com%2FGel_Eye_Liner_Wicked_p%2Fel019.htm Violet Voss Lashes in Strip Tease Tarte Mascara: http://rstyle.me/cz-n/brqzf6vt2e Graftobian Powdered Metals http://amzn.to/1U0xv0F Anastasia Liquid Gold Liner: https://goo.gl/KsCEdX Kat Von D Shade & Light Palette http://bit.ly/1STVAmw Anastasia Glow Kit Sun Dipped https://goo.gl/KsCEdX NYX Natural Lip Liner: http://amzn.to/1UBlUW2 Milani Liquid Metal in Chromatic Addict: http://bit.ly/22DZYwJ Kylie Cosmetics in Heir http://amzn.to/1UBm93i (Also pictured in swatches; Matterialistic & Reign) BH Cosmetics Nude Blush Palette http://bit.ly/1SjGWJB Morphe Powder Brush 10% off code: Carli MB2: https://www.morphebrushes.com/collections/powder/products/mb2-round-powder Gerard Cosmetics Lavender Setting Spray 35% off CODE: CBday https://www.gerardcosmetics.com/slay-all-day-setting-spray-lavender.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SEND ME LETTERS!! BEAUTY BY CARLI BYBEL 450 SHREWSBURY PLAZA #303 SHREWSBURY, NJ 07702 *SUBSCRIBE to Brett\'s FITNESS & HEALTH channel! http://www.youtube.com/brettcap Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CarliBel http://www.instagram.com/TheFashionBybel - My Fashion Page for OOTD Follow me on SNAPCHAT! CarliPenguin5 Come check out my beauty page for quotes & love! http://www.facebook.com/beautybycarli Disclaimer: This video is Not sponsored. Some links may be affiliate links.'
Tags: fashion , beauty , metal , kylie jenner , Kylie cosmetics , Khloe Kardashian , kim kardashian , smokey eye , heir , reign , kylie lip kit , inner , carli bybel , carlibel , bybel , bronze smokey eye , carlibybel , carlibel55 , innerbeautybybel , innerbeauty , bronze summer makeup , full face highlighter challenge , kylie metal lipstick , SWAMP QUEEN PALETTE , milani metals , matallic makeup tutorial , metallic lipstick trend , bronze glowy makeup , gold and copper , sparkley makeup , shiney makeup
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